A Second Spotlight on: Selena Illyria

Please help me welcome back Selena!!! There are two things you should know about her: First off…it’s her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I am thrilled she could be here for her big day. And secondly, Selena has a new release out tomorrow. Woohoo. Lots of reasons...

Dunmore Rising by Gia Dawn

I’ve just learned that author Gia Dawn has a new release at Samhain, but is not well and so cannot promote the book herself. Can’t let a new release go unacknowledged can we? Check it out: Dunmore Rising Love is mightier than the sword? Demons of Dunmore,...


I was mighty proud of myself this morning. Instead of stopping for my customary latte and banana bread, I decided to have a healthy breakfast. I tossed up between oats or toast and avo. Toast won. As we had no bread, I nipped into the shops on the way home from school...

Menage and More Anthology

I’ve been trying to keep this to myself, tease a little at the Samhain Cafe, but some things are just too big not to share… So, remember that story I wrote a few weeks back? The one I finished in a month and hummed and ha’ed about whether or not to...
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