I was mighty proud of myself this morning. Instead of stopping for my customary latte and banana bread, I decided to have a healthy breakfast. I tossed up between oats or toast and avo. Toast won.
As we had no bread, I nipped into the shops on the way home from school drop off to stock up.
Which is when I caught sight of them. You know that moment, when you see a particular food, and suddenly you realize with absolute certainty that nothing else will satisfy you? Well I had one of those moments. Toast and avo had lost every last iota of appeal. I tossed the goodies in my trolley, paid for my groceries and sped home.
Which would explain why I am now sitting happily, but guiltily, at my computer shoving chocolate covered peanuts into my mouth.
Go on. I dare you to come up with a more delicious meal to start your day.
oh Jess – that’s hilarious! 😀