5 Angels and 2 bestseller lists!

Looks to me like 2010 has gotten off to a great start! Why do I say this? Well… One book has received a five Angel review, and another book has hit two bestseller lists. What more could a writer ask for? (…she says calmly, pretending she’s not...

Three's Company!

Yep, it sure is. Especially when it’s the print books keeping me company. 😀 Check it out: They even keep the image on my computer company: And… Photo Opportunity and Ask Adam are always happy to have more company: Wahooo! LOL, the UPS guy thought I was...

Steve's Story is a Bestseller!

Oh, yeah. I am ecstatic! Steve’s Story is a bestseller at Samhain/MBaM This is what the list looks like today, on the 3rd/4th May. (Depending on your time zone.) Best Sellers: 1. Tooth and Claw by Annmarie McKenna 2. Terms of Surrender by Becky Barker 3. Steel...
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