So there’s been an interesting chat happening at the Samhain Cafe.

Yesterday I read a brilliant menage novella…m/f/m…written by a very talented colleague of mine. I’d love to tell you more about it, but as it’s not published (yet) I don’t want to post any spoilers. Suffice it to say when you get your hands on it, you’ll be in for a more than satisfying read.

Now one of the things that interested me about the book was the fact that with all this incredibly hot action going on, there was no anal sex. Not any. Not even the tiniest hint. All the other menages I’ve read have had something. Okay, yes, I’m new to the world of m/f/m literature, but in my narrow mind, I had always assumed a three way would include a little anal action. The lack of it in this particular novella did not in any way detract from the erotic nature of the book. But it did lead me to wonder what readers out there want from menage.

Anal sex was not the only query I had. What about a little hot and heavy m/m action in the middle of the menage? I know some readers who’d put the book down the minute anything happened between the two starring heroes. But then, I know some people who would gobble up the book and search for any other works written by the same author. How about you?

Now, the last thought I had, and as yet, have not discussed this at the Cafe, what about f/m/f action. I know m/f/m is all the rage right now, and believe me, I understand why, but what about two women? Is it as much of a turn on for the average female menage reader as two men giving one woman extreme pleasure?.

Help me out here. I’m interested to know your thoughts.
