It’s been a very exciting 24 hours for me.

After a dearth of reviews, I’ve suddenly got two new ones. Oh, and they’re both really lovely.


The first one I received was for Visiting Paradise. Deb, over at Dark Divas Reviews emailed me a few days back to say she’d read the book and loved it. Then she followed that up with a Five Delightful Diva review at the stunningly renovated Dark Divas. Here’s what she had to say:

“Visiting Paradise is a sensual delicious treat with a touch of heart. Jess Dee writes a story you can curl up too, even though it left this reviewer wanting a whole lot more.

The plotline was HOT & Steamy! These two could evaporate water on contact. With all that said, Jess Dee rocked the boat and this book! Read the book if you want to know what I am talking about.”

Rated 5 Delightful Divas by Deb!

(You can read the whole review HERE.)

Then… this morning I woke up to more good news. A Question of Trust has been reviewed over by Tarsilla over at BlackRaven’s Reviews. May I state here that BlackRaven has also had an incredible overhaul. The site looks gorgeous.

This is what Tarsilla had to say about A Question Of Trust:

“Man, this book gives hawt a whole new definition! A Question of Trust is by far one of the best first-time m?nage stories I have ever read. It?s got it all, great characters, a great plot, scorching sex, and a lot of sweet love.

This is a definite must-read for any erotica m-f-m lovers out there. It?s really a great story that sizzles on the surface, but is incredibly sweet underneath, which is an infallible combination that satisfies from beginning to end.”

Rated 5 Ravens and a Recommended Read by Tarsilla!


You can read Tarsilla’s full review HERE.

Deb and Tarsilla, thank you for your wonderful reviews.

And to the Dark Divas and BlackRaven, congrats on your new sites.

They look super awesome!
