Okay, so I’m new to blogging, and haven’t been particularly vigilant. But I have good reason – I promise:
Two small kids = lots of colds and sniffles.
This time round, it’s unidentified viruses causing high fevers for one child and tonsilitis/strep throat for the other. It’s been a real fun holiday. Trips to the zoo, parties, play dates and camps…nope. Haven’t done any of those. Mooched around the house, watched TV, played nintendo and generally felt sorry for ourselves…yup. Done lots of that.
But I figure its okay. The boys are still little. They’re busy with school and preschool, and afternoon activities all through the year. It’s okay to veg out, and just relax and get well during the hols. Isn’t it?
BTW: While I’m still here, the new e-releases are out at Samhain. Check ’em out: