No, I haven’t picked a contest winner yet. Will do that tonight. Thank you to everyone who entered. My inbox is overflowing. 🙂 Good luck to all of you.
Now fellow Samhellion, Janie Mason, mentioned she had no idea what a Tim Tam is. So for those of you out there who also don’t know, allow me to fill you in:
Tim Tams are quite simply the most delicious cookie/biscuit in the world. Chocolate covered bites of heaven. And one is never enough. Once you start a packet, you kinda feel compelled to eat the whole thing. And because they are so rich and dee-licious, it’s okay to share them with a love one. 🙂
They are in a word: YUM!
I can’t believe the US doesn’t have an equivalent type of cookie. Us overfed Americans lust after every yummy food there is. Maybe there is something, just not in central Ohio. Anyone?
I hear about how yummy there are all the time, but you can’t get them in Indiana. I’ll just have to get some when Jess flies me out to visit her. heehee
Janie: Mrs Fields white choc chip cookies are almost as good.
JJJ- how are you going with selling Ask Adam? Sold enough copies yet so I can afford your air ticket?